Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Tiger Punks on Dope

We return to the further adventures with my high office shelf.

Today Billy headed for the top of the shelf, which is not common but is a regular occurance. What wasn't normal is that he then tried to reach down two floors to the the shelf where I keep sealed kitty treats ...

... and had recently left the sealed spice jar with cat nip. Whoops.

I got the jar off the shelf before he killed himself trying to climb down to raid it. As a reward/distraction I put some cat nip on both the upstairs and downstairs hall cat condos.

Both boys found the treat within seconds. A fine time was had by all.

The sealed cat nip jar is now back safe in the kitchen spice cupboard.

1 comment:

  1. Based on this morning's happy Emily cha cha cha / bedroom sidestroke performance... I'd say she found the catnip, too.
