Sunday, March 26, 2006

Litterbox Wars - Part 2

As noted, Katherine cleaned up after Billy's litter box misfire on Thursday night. Per our usual protocol, she left the soiled mat on the back porch for me to clean up.

I'm a good clean up crew (hey, if it keeps me from actually working on the mess on the floor...). When I get home I grab the mat, and take it over to the hose. Before opening up the valve, I tighten the connections between the hose reel and house, which leaked enough to spray water about the last (only) time I used it this spring.

I turn on the hose to wash the mat . . .

. . . and the nozzle fitting starts spraying water. I turn off the water, and go to tighten up that end and discover the nozzle has basically sheared off at the threaded fitting to the hose. Bizarre. Maybe it was a late frost. The hose itself is frost proof, but that doesn't mean the nozzle or hose reel fittings are.

Knowing I had to go the mall the next day anyway, I troop back inside, show Katherine the two pieces of the dead nozzle, and announce I was done for the night.

Well, I tried.

To be continued ...

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